Brother: All these workouts Soph—I don’t know. Guys don’t like buff girls.
Sophie: Yeah well, girls don’t like guys who still live at home.
——workout 名词,健身
——buff 在俚语中有强壮的男人的意思,也有多体毛者的意思,总之发散一下思维,就是雄性激素分泌旺盛的人,用来形容女人时, buff girls 就是男人婆,过于健壮的女人的意思。

2.The trail for dad—It’s getting colder every day.
——父亲的踪迹变得越来越渺茫。Get colder 变得不新鲜,踪迹不新鲜了就是一直没有新的线索出现,旧的线索又失效了的状态,于是这个词组就专指寻找不到目标的状态。

3.We’ll let you know as soon as we do.

4. Uh yeah…six more spread out over the past 35 years. Those bodies were never recovered either. If there is something out there, it’s picking up its pace.
——spread是spread 的过去分词型(spread-spread-spread),这是动词过去分词做后置定语的用法。还原句子后,可以是there is six more spread out over the past 35 years. 在过去的35年间还出现了6次。(前句sam 用了there be 句型,被dean 打了个小差之后,接着there be 补充了表语)如果用定语从句代替过去分词做后置定语的话,应该用被动态, 因为过去分词表达了一种与所修饰成分间的被动关系 there is six more which was spread out over the past 35 years.
——pick up the pace加快动作,if there is something out there, it’s picking up its pace. 不管那里到底有什么,那个东西一定在加快(复仇的)步伐

5. No wonder that kid was so freaked out. Watching one of your parents die isn’t something you just get over.
——get over从什么困难中恢复过来.难怪这孩子被吓坏了,亲眼看见自己的父母死掉是一件很难从中恢复的事情。

6.Tell your friend those whole “Jerry Maguire” thing’s not gonna work on me.
——Jerry Maguire 是汤姆克鲁斯于1996年出演的电影,中文名是《甜心先生》,所以“Jerry Maguire” 就是说讽刺dean想模仿电影中的主角,靠亲切赢得芳心。
——work on对什么起作用