
31.Your father and I decided not to tell you since the disorder can have a genetic link.
——have a genetic link基因遗传

32.It can start with delusions of grandeur, thinking you're invincible or indestructible. They are irrational thoughts that then turn suicidal. It's time you took a hard look at your life.
——这是一句生僻词的大集合。它开始于一种认为自己伟大(grandeur)的错觉(delusion), 认为自己是无可征服并且坚不可摧(indestructible)的。而这些不理性(irrational)的思维会转变为自杀性的。
——take a hard look at sth 密切注意,认真审视

33.I saw the test scores got posted this morning. Don't worry about it, man. Not everybody's a test taker.Who wants to be a detective, anyway? Gotta spend half your salary buying suits.Nine of out  ten of these guys... won't live to see their pension plan.
——See the scores got posted看到成绩榜单,这是学生常用的句子。
——a test taker 考试型人才
——pension plan退休金计划
——9 of out 10和9 of 10有微妙的区别吧。等待高人解答。

34.Frozen solid/skull sawed off.
——案件描述:frozen solid被冰冻 skull sawed off锯掉的头骨

35.For years, he'd been working on a mathematical theory using human genomes and DNA migration patterns. He thought he could find a way to identify these people, the ones who were special.I never believed it was possible. We fought about it constantly. It's the reason we grew apart.
——have been working on 一直致力于,很常用的句式和词组。
——human genomes 人的染色体组DNA migration patterns 基因迁移模式,迁移或称移居(migration)是指具有某一基因频率群体的一部分,因某种原因移至基因频率不同的另一群体,并杂交定居,从而改变了群体的基因频率。摘自百度百科
——fight about+争吵的内容 fight for+争吵的目的(rights权利或者 country祖国)
——grow apart 产生隔阂grow的用法和 become一样,我们熟悉的是grow old, 其他场合也很常用。

36.It would be an honor to represent New York's 14th district. When the time comes, vote Petrelli.
——New York's 14th district 包括了曼哈顿东区的大部分(纽约市最富有的区域)。

这是WIKIPEDIA的解释,里边竟然有Petrelli在2006年选举中获胜的词条解释。 New_York's_14th_congressional_district

37.a portable hard drive 便携式硬盘。

38.Your captain says you've taken the exam to advance to detective three times?So how does it make you feel? Flunking out so many times.
——to advance to sth 升级到什么水平
——flunked out因考试不及格而被退学, flunk out的主动式可以引申为考试不及格。

39.Maybe set yourself up to look like a hero?
——set sb up有三种用法,帮助某人向上;是人更加健康,强壮;用寂寞陷害某人。这里应该是第一种用法。

40.-Hey. How was school?
-Very school-like. How was work?
-Very work-like.

41. Hey, good luck on your campaign...when I'm splattered all over the ground below.
——splatter all over the ground below摔得下边的地面上满是飞溅的汁水
——all over到处

42.Everyone's entitled to their secrets, Peter.每个人都有权有秘密。
——entitle to sth有权

43.What I wanna know is what did you do with the man's brain? You flush it down the toilet, you eat it?
——do with 利用,使用(这个词组意思很多)
——flush sth down 冲走。(flush还有脸红的意思)

44.-Let's start by asking him how he got to New York.
-He says he teleported himself here.He says he can bend the space-time continuum, like Star Trek.
——teleport sb to somewhere 心灵传输到某处
——Star Trek星际旅行,又译星际迷航。指的是全部设定在同一个虚构宇宙中的六代电视科幻电视系列剧(总共726集)、十部电影、上百部小说、电视游戏以及其他虚构作品,该宇宙是由吉恩·罗登贝瑞(Gene Roddenberry)于1960年代初期到中期所创造。它描述了一个乐观的未来世界,在那时人类已经战胜了地球上的疾病、种族、贫穷、偏执与战争。主角们探索银河系,寻找新世界并且与新的文明相遇,同时也帮助散播和平与理解。《星际旅行》是科幻娱乐界史上最受欢迎的名字之一,也是电视史上最受欢迎的系列电视系列剧之一。

45.For all his bluster, it is the sad province of Man that he cannot choose his triumph. He can only choose how he will stand when the call of destiny comes, hoping that he'll have the courage to answer.
——bluster 夸口,引申为盲目自信。
——province 指the proper sphere or extent of your activities
——stand 指withstand the force of something
