
16.It's not about having big hands. Most guy's hands are too rough to pick out the details. Mine are sensitive.
——sensitive用于形容人的时候,多指感性的例如he is a tough but sensitive guy。这里表面上是在讨论手,虽然大,但是不笨拙,很灵敏,实际是在暗示他的性格感性,粗犷中不失温柔,很明显他在flirt with Clair.

17. My mom says my hands are very dainty.Maybe I should try out for the football team.
——dainty娇小可爱的, 同时也指首拥有灵巧的特性。

18.Is it true you got an erection in the boys' locker room?
——这件事情的确足以令男生囧大了。这里要注意got done / sth 像become一样,可以表示一个动作完成瞬间的状态,很生动的一个用法。

19.I'm only five minutes away, okay?
——be away表示be at a distance in space and time 加上时间,可以表示还有多久到达目的地。

20.Sometimes I look in the mirror...and I'm not sure it's me that I'm seeing.

21.Darwin's Origin of Species.It's a true first edition. I work at this antique book store, and I found a copy, and I just... thought he'd get a kick out of reading it.
——Darwin's Origin of Species 达尔文进化论,专有名词,不是表示所属关系的句子。
——antique book store 古董书店
——get a kick out of doing 乐于,kick out 本意是驱除,这里引申为寻求。

22.-He told me he was being watched. I thought that he was just eccentric.
-I like that you didn't use the word "paranoid."

23.For the time being, it seems I'm more important to them alive.
——for the time being 目前,似乎英式英语中常用,一位英国教授来我们学校演讲的时候就常用它。

24.I was taking a shortcut home from school, and...I saw the wreckage of the train...wreck.
——wreckage 和wreck 本意相同,前者偏指残骸,后者偏指惨状,所以,这名贪图虚荣的拉拉队长要改口说这个表意更加抽象又严重的wreck。
——take a shortcut to somewhere from somewhere抄近路

25.-I guess I didn't want all the attention, you know? That's not why I did it. (学着点,这理由多好)
-Well, on behalf of the Odessa Fire Department, I'd like to congratulate you as an honorary firefighter.(颁奖用语,以谁的名誉或者利益,恭喜谁成为什么)

26.Happy to be so. 很高兴能如此了,这里有无可奈何的语感,表示这样已经万幸了。

27.Can we just keep it under wraps?
——wrap是包裹皮,把什么东西放到包裹皮下边,于是有了这个固定习语 keep sth under wraps 注意wraps用复数,表示把什么加密起来。

28.You just caught me off guard.
——off one’s guard粗心大意的,不警惕,不小心的,这里说你刚刚不小心撞了我。

29.He committed suicide.——自杀要用commit

30.When he was 23, he was diagnosed with major depressive disorder.
—— be diagnosed with sth被诊断为什么病
—— major depressive disorder 重度忧郁症(字面为主要压抑困扰不适)
