Hasty is a big-shot federal judge. 
big-shot 大人物

Tired of sitting out there in the bullpen. 
bullpen 牛栏,引申为替补席

Watching you two together is like being at prom. 
prom 高中舞会

It's Jimmy Neutron,huh? Boy scientist? 
Jimmy Neutron是一个卡通人物,是个少年天才哦。看下面这张图的形象,果然跟Zack一样口耐~~~

260 force pounds,give or take.
give or take 有点小误差 Plus or minus a small specified amount

I have a little math problem you can't solve. Can God create a bigger rock than he can roll? Think about it.
ok,这个问题某柒也不晓得应该怎么回答,跟rock & roll有关系的么?谁明白给解释下!Angela这个思维真是……
Drink up,eh?
Drink up 一饮而尽

I... am declaring my individuality. I am going rogue
go rogue 不按他人指示行事
rogue本义是指小混混,小流氓。不过go rogue不是耍小流氓的意思哈~~~

Hold that cab.
Hold that cab 车停一下

Just keep that under your hat.
keep under hat 保守秘密

so you wouldn't be barking up the wrong tree. 
bark up the wrong tree 走错了方向,进错了门
本义是指狗狗对着一棵无辜的树狂吠。甜甜啊……Puppy still hasn't his day.

You ever feel like you saw something great that almost happened,then it didn't? 
H是指B&B的关系还是案子咧?Anyway,看到某家媒体回这句说Yeah, your future wedding的时候某七笑翻了~~~

- Oh,more stickman cartoons?  
- Yes,but,you know,you can jazz it up with computers before trial.
jazz up 使更有趣,更有说服力

And push come to shove,you be ready to testify that judge walked into a door or something. 
push come to shove 紧要关头,必要时刻

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