

Mr. Darcy
Miss Bennet

After playing some Italian songs, Miss Bingley varied the charm by a lively Scotch air; ________1________:
"Oh!" said she, "_______4_______. You wanted me, I know, to say 'Yes, ' that you might have the pleasure of despising my taste; ________5________. I have, therefore, made up my mind to tell you, that I do not want to dance a reel at all--and now despise me if you dare. "
"Indeed I do not dare. "
Elizabeth, having rather expected to affront him, was amazed at his gallantry; ______6_______; and Darcy had never been so bewitched by any woman as he was by her. ________7_________.
Miss Bingley saw, or suspected enough to be jealous; and ______8________.
She often _________9__________.
and soon afterwards Mr. Darcy, drawing near Elizabeth, said to her Do not you feel a great inclination, Miss Bennet, to seize such an opportunity of dancing a reel She smiled, but made no answer. He repeated the question, with some surprise at her silence I heard you before, but I could not immediately determine what to say in reply but I always delight in overthrowing those kind of schemes, and cheating a person of their premeditated contempt but there was a mixture of sweetness and archness in her manner which made it difficult for her to affront anybody He really believed, that were it not for the inferiority of her connections, he should be in some danger her great anxiety for the recovery of her dear friend Jane received some assistance from her desire of getting rid of Elizabeth tried to provoke Darcy into disliking her guest, by talking of their supposed marriage, and planning his happiness in such an alliance
彬格莱小姐弹了几支意大利歌曲以后,便改弹了一些活泼的苏格兰曲子来变换变换情调。不大一会儿工夫,达西先生走到伊丽莎白跟前来,跟她说: “班纳特小姐,你是不是很想趁这个机会来跳一次苏格兰舞?” 伊丽莎白没有回答他,只是笑了笑。他见她闷声不响,觉得有点儿奇怪,便又问了她一次。 “噢,”她说,“我早就听见了;可是我一下子拿不准应该怎样回答你。当然,我知道你希望我回答一声‘是的’那你就会蔑视我的低级趣味,好让你自己得意一番,只可惜我一向喜欢戳穿人家的诡计,作弄一下那些存心想要蔑视人的人。因此,我决定跟你说,我根本不爱跳苏格兰舞;这一下你可不敢蔑视我了吧。” “果真不敢。” 伊丽莎白本来打算使他难堪一下,这会儿见他那么体贴,倒楞住了。不过,伊丽莎白的为人一贯温柔乖巧,不轻易得罪任何人,而达西又对她非常着迷,以前任何女人也不曾使他这样着迷过。他不由得一本正经地想道,要不是她的亲戚出身微贱,那我难免危险了。 彬格莱小姐见到这般光景,很是嫉妒,或者也可以说是她疑心病重,因此由疑而妒。于是她愈想把伊丽莎白撵走,就愈巴不得她的好朋友吉英病体赶快复元。 为了挑拨达西厌恶这位客人,她常常闲言闲语,说他跟伊丽莎白终将结成美满良缘,而且估料着这一门良缘会给达西带来多大幸福。