
  1. FeedBurner: FeedBurner helps bloggers, podcasters and commercial publishers get more value from the content they create. Our advanced feed management technology deftly delivers subscription services for...

  2. Feed Digest: Feed Digest is a parser, regenerator, and syndicator for, and of, RSS and Atom feeds. It lets you do things like put the content of RSS or Atom feeds on your own site(s).

  3. Attensa: Attensa, Inc. is a venture backed software company developing RSS readers, online RSS aggregators, enterprise RSS servers and RSS infrastructure software that automatically and intelligently delivers...

  4. Tiny Tiny RSS: Tiny Tiny RSS is a web-based news feed aggregator, designed to allow you to read news from any location, while feeling as close to a real desktop application as possible.

  5. Feed43: This free online service converts any web page to an RSS feed on the fly.

  6. Feed Mailer: feeds direct to your email. (thanks John)


  1. FeedBurner: FeedBurner为博客,播客,商业出版社拥有的内容创造更高的价值。我们将以高级feed管理技术,和熟练的期刊订阅的投递技巧,忠实的为您服务。  
  2. Feed Digest: Feed Digest支持RSS和Atom feeds的剖析,再生及重新结构。你可以使用它将RSS或Atom feeds的内容转移到你的网站。
  3. Attensa: Attensa, Inc.是一个制造RSS阅读器,提供在线RSS聚合器,企业RSS服务和RSS软件自动智能投递的软件公司。
  4. Tiny Tiny RSS: Tiny Tiny RSS是基于网络的新闻feed网站。通过它你可以阅读任何地区的新闻,并且它给人的感觉就像桌面的一个应用程序一样。
  5. Feed43:免费在线(在不影响您工作的状态下)转换网页为RSS feed。
  6. Feed Mailer: 直接向您发送电子邮件。(感谢 John)

视频类 音乐类 图片类 博客类
书签类 游戏类 百科类 办公用具类
RSS服务类 电邮类 新闻类 文件共享类