
  1. Gmail: Gmail is an experiment in a new kind of webmail, built on the idea that you should never have to delete mail and you should always be able to find the message you want.

  2. 30 Gigs: is invite-only web-based email that offers, you guessed it, 30 gigabytes of space.

  3. Zookoda: is an email marketing application designed specifically for bloggers. Zookoda enables you to send a daily, weekly or monthly summary of your latest blog posts directly into your visitors inbox.

  4. Sprout: osted email management for your sales and support email. No IT department required. Mailroom can organize your email and suggest replies to save you time and keep you better in touch with your customers. There is nothing to setup and it takes only a minute to get started

  5. Gawab: Offers a web mail service with a number of features. Supports POP/SMTP.


  1. Gmail: Gmail是一种实验性质的网络电子邮件,创建它的目的在于可以让你永远没有必要删除邮件,并且总是可以找到你想找到的邮件。  
  2. 30 Gigs: 是只有接到邀请才能注册的网络电子邮件。想想看,足足30G的空间。  
  3. Zookoda: 专门提供给用电子邮件来行销的博客。Zookoda以发送电子邮件的方法,为您博客的访客提供您的博客的每日,每周或每月摘要。
  4. Sprout: 为您管理电子邮件销售和服务业务。不需要IT部门,邮件屋可以帮您整理邮件并提供回复建议,节约您的时间,并让您与您的客户保持紧密的联系。不需要做任何设置,只需几分钟就可以迅速启动。
  5. Gawab:提供有特色的电子邮件服务,支持POP/SMTP.
视频类 音乐类 图片类 博客类
书签类 游戏类 百科类 办公用具类
RSS服务类 电邮类 新闻类 文件共享类