  1. YouTube: YouTube is a popular free video sharing Web site which lets users upload, view, and share video clips.

  2. Meta Cafe: Metacafe - Get the best internet videos - Funny videos, Amazing clips, Rare movies

  3. Vimeo: Share your video clips. Upload video that you shoot with your digital camera, mobile phone, or camcorder. Share video by linking to Vimeo.

  4. Daily Motion Publish, tag, organize and share your video clips.

  5. Imeem: imeem is a social media service where users interact with each other by watching, posting, and sharing content of all media types, including blogs, photos, audio, and video. In one sense, imeem is a media-centric social network service, and in another sense, it is also a user participation service for online content.

  6. ClipShack: ClipShack is a community for videophiles; a destination where people can post their video for general public viewing and comment, share clips with friends and family, post video to blogs, share...

  7. vSocial: The fastest, easiest way to upload, watch and share your favorite video clips.

  8. Jumpcut: The best place to create, remix and share movies and slideshows online. There's nothing else like it. Jumpcut Makes Movies, Simple.

  9. Video Bomb: Video Bomb filters up the hottest videos on the internet: people submit links to the ‘Incoming!' page and you bomb the best ones. If a video gets a lot of bombs quickly, it makes it to the front...

  10. eyeSpot: Shoot, Mix, and Share your Video. Use the eyespot Mixer to edit and combine your videos, music and photos online! Share your video and mixes with the world for Free

  11. revver : Upload, share videos

  12. Avidbeauty: Avid Beauty is an entertainment community for iPod users. We offer iPod downloads which are available in playlists known as Podcasts. We also offer Flickr photo, YouTube video and LiveJournal integration into your member profile.

  1. YouTube: YouTube(你的视频)是一个可以让用户免费上传、观赏、分享视频短片的热门视频共享网站
  2. Meta Cafe: Metacafe (麦塔咖啡厅)-得到最好的网上视频-搞笑录象,惊奇短片,罕见电影
  3. Vimeo(视频媒体):分享你自己剪辑的短片。上传你用自己的数码相机,手机,或摄象机拍摄后剪辑的短片,并通过Vimeo与大家分享。
  4. Daily Motion (每日行动):发布,标签,整和并分享你的视频剪辑短片。
  5. Imeem(亿门): imeem 是一个社会媒体服务性质的网站。用户互相观看,传送,分享各种各样的媒体类型,包括包括博客、图片、音频、视频.在某中意义上说,imeem 是以媒体为中心的社会服务网络,在另一层意义上来说,为用户提供了线上内容分享服务。
  6. ClipShack(剪辑室): ClipShack 是录象爱好者的社区,用户可以将自己制作的视频上传给人们观赏,讨论,可以与朋友,家人共享短片,可以将这里的视频放入你的博客。
  7. vSocial(视频社区): 用最快,最方便的方法上传、观看、分享视频短片。
  8. Jumpcut(跳跃剪刀): 最好的在线制作、整和、分享电影和幻灯片的网站。这是别无仅有的一个网站。Jumpcut为您提供便利。
  9. Video Bomb(视频炸弹): Video Bomb 为您过滤出网上最热门的视频短片:您只要点击‘Incoming!'就能找到您最想要的东西。多个类似视频会按照点击率排序。
  10. eyeSpot(关注点): 拍摄,整和,分享你的视频。在线使用eyespot混合器来编辑并整和你的录象,音乐和图片。免费与世界共享你的视频。
  11. revver (回转者): 上传,共享视频。
  12. Avidbeauty(渴望美好): Avid Beauty 是提供给IPOD用户的娱乐社区。我们提供可以下载到IPOD上的博客. 同时为会员提供 Flickr 图片, YouTube 视频和 LiveJournal integration 。
    视频类 音乐类 图片类 博客类
    书签类 游戏类 百科类 办公用具类
    RSS服务类 电邮类 新闻类 文件共享类