
  1. Wikipedia: The biggest multilingual free-content encyclopedia on the Internet. Over two million articles and still growing.

  2. LittleWiki: LittleWiki is a Web site where you can create public and private wiki pages. A Wiki is a Web site where anyone can enter and edit content. That means you can post and edit information about virtually anything you wish, and you can read what others have posted too.

  3. Wetpaint: Wetpaint powers websites that tap the power of collaborative thinking. The heart of the Wetpaint advantage is its ability to allow anyone - especially those without technical skill - to create and contribute to websites written for and by those who share a passion or interest. To do this, Wetpaint combines the best aspects of wikis, blogs, forums and social networks so anyone can click and type on the web.

  4. JotSpot: Create and share wiki pages with a WYSIWYG editor via Jotspot's secure wiki hosting. Install various "applications" to refine your wiki content - project manager, company directory, blog, forum, poll, calendar, and more - then invite others to contribute

  5. PBWiki: Make a free, password protected wiki as easily as a peanut butter sandwich. Easily upload HTML, link files to your pages, integrate RSS, and more.


  1. Wikipedia: 最大的免费网络多语言支持百科全书。超过200万个词条解释,并且数量持续增加中。
  2. LittleWiki: 你可以在LittleWiki网站上创建公众的或私人的万维网页。Wiki是所有人都可以登入并编辑内容的网站,也就是说你可以编入和编辑所有你想添加的信息,任意阅读其他人编入的信息。   
  3. Wetpaint: Wetpaint动力网站集合众人的智慧。Wetpaint的主要优势在于允许所有人--特别是没有技术能力的人--和有兴趣,有激情的人一起,来创造并建设网站. 为了让任何人都可以登入并编辑这个网站,Wetpaint连接了同种类型中最好的万维,博客,论坛,及社区网络。
  4. JotSpot: 用户可以WYSIWYG编辑器来连接Jotspot的安全万维综合网站,建设并分享这个网站。通过安装各种各样的应用软件-项目管理器,公司目录,博客,论坛投票,日历等-来完善你的万维内容,然后邀请他人来投稿。
  5. PBWiki: 制作一个免费的,密码保护的万维网站就跟做一个花生酱三文治一样容易。轻松上传HTML,将文档连接入你的网页,合并RSS,等等。

视频类 音乐类 图片类 博客类
书签类 游戏类 百科类 办公用具类
RSS服务类 电邮类 新闻类 文件共享类