双子座 5.21-6.21

Each Full Moon has a unique flavour depending on where it lands in your chart. The Full Moon this week on Thursday could create havoc with romantic relationships, flirtations, vacation plans, anything remotely connected with sports, anything to do with children, and also anything to do with show business, the entertainment world and the hospitality industry. Problems and tension in any of these areas could arise earlier in the week. If this happens, remind yourself that after Thursday (the peak of the Full Moon), these problems will diminish or completely disappear. Therefore, don't make a big deal about anything. Capice?

根据满月落在你星盘的位置,每次满月都有一个独特的影响。本周四的满月可能会破坏你的浪漫恋情, 调情,假期安排,以及任何与运动,孩子,娱乐界和接待业相关之事。这些领域的问题和紧张形势可能会在本周初发生。如果发生了,我想提醒你,周四以后(月满之后),这些问题将会减弱或完全消失。因此,对任何事都不要太当回事儿。懂了吗?