
《呼啸山庄》是英国女作家勃朗特姐妹之一艾米莉·勃朗特的作品。小说描写吉卜赛弃儿希斯克利夫被山庄老主人收养后,因受辱和恋爱不遂,外出致富,回来后对与其女友凯瑟琳结婚的地主林顿及其子女进行报复的故事。全篇充满强烈的反压迫、争幸福的斗争精神,又始终笼罩着离奇、紧张的浪漫气氛。它开始曾被人看做是 年青女作家脱离现实的天真幻想,但结合其所描写地区激烈的阶级斗争和英国的社会现象,它不久便被评论界高度肯定,并受到读者的热烈欢迎。根据这部小说改编 的影视作品至今久演不衰。


艾米莉·勃朗特(1818-1848),19世纪英国小说家、诗人,英国文学史上著名的“勃朗特三姐妹”之一。这位女作家在世界上仅仅度过了三十年便默默 无闻地离开了人间,然而她唯一的一部小说《呼啸山庄》却奠定了她在英国文学史以及世界文学史上的地位。此外,她还创作了193首诗,被认为是英国一位天才 型的女作家。

她生性独立、豁达、纯真、刚毅、热情而又内向,颇有男儿气概,酷爱自己生长其间的荒原,平素在离群索居中,除去手足情谊,最喜与大自然为友,从她的诗和一 生行为,都可见她天人合一宇宙观与人生观的表现,有人因此而将她视为神秘主义者。其实人与自然的关系,从来就是人类文明史上重要的命题,艾米莉不过是步历 代哲人、隐者、科学家、艺术家后尘,通过生活和创作,身体力行地探寻人与自然的关系。

Chapter Five. Part 6

1. 'I shall bid father good-night first,' said Catherine, putting her arms round his neck, before we could hinder her. The poor thing discovered her loss directly - she screamed out - 'Oh, he's dead, Heathcliff! he's dead!' And they both set up a heart-breaking cry.



2. I joined my wail to theirs, loud and bitter; but Joseph asked what we could be thinking of to roar in that way over a saint in heaven. He told me to put on my cloak and run to Gimmerton for the doctor and the parson. I could not guess the use that either would be of, then. However, I went, through wind and rain, and brought one, the doctor, back with me; the other said he would come in the morning. Leaving Joseph to explain matters, I ran to the children's room: their door was ajar, I saw they had never lain down, though it was past midnight; but they were calmer, and did not need me to console them. The little souls were comforting each other with better thoughts than I could have hit on: no parson in the world ever pictured heaven so beautifully as they did, in their innocent talk; and, while I sobbed and listened, I could not help wishing we were all there safe together.


我也跟他们一起痛哭,大声的,痛苦的。但是约瑟夫责问我们到底在想什么,在一个进入天堂的圣徒面前哭嚎。他让我穿上斗篷去吉默吞请医生和牧师。我想不去请这两个人来有什么用,但是,我还是不顾风雨,带回来了一位医生。牧师说,他会在天亮后过来。把解说事情缘由的人物留给了约瑟夫,我跑向孩 子们的房间。他们的们半掩着,我看见他们都还没有睡下,尽管已经过了午夜。但是他们都平静多了,也不需要我去安慰他们。小家伙们安慰彼此的方法比我想到过 的都好:没有那个牧师能把天堂描绘得和他们天真无邪的谈话中的一样美丽,而呜咽着,静静的听着,情不自禁的祷告我们从此之后都平安无事。


bid sb. goodnight:向某人道晚安。

同理,可以想到bid sb. welcome就是欢迎某人的意思。


bid against

【例】I offered 2 million dollars for the painting, but a rich Japanese bid against me.

bid farewell to

【例】In a week’s time he rode down to the harbor to bid farewell to the new ruler and his bride.

bid fair to do sth

The signs bid fair for a profitable deal.

hinder 阻碍;妨碍;阻挡 v.

put at a disadvantage;be a hindrance or obstacle to

【例】He could not hinder himself from dwelling upon that problem.

【例】Downhearted thoughts hinder progress.

set up 建立;树立;创立;自称;扶持;使振奋;安排

create by putting components or members together;construct, build, or erect;

【例】A fund will be set up for the dead men's families.

【例】Her father set her up in business.

【例】A hot drink will soon set you up.

put on 穿上;戴上;上演,演出;假装;播放。

【例】The man put on his smock and went out.

【例】The old man put on his spectacles and started reading.

【例】I can eat what I want but I never put on weight.

【例】Let's go into the study and put on some music.

can't help doing 情不自禁地做某事,禁不住

【例】Hearing the news,they can not help jumping for joy.

【例】I cannot help doing so under these circumstances.