• [英语词汇] 节气词汇:清明

    【节气词汇】 Clear and Bright 清明 Clear and Bright comes around April 5 each year when the sun reaches thecelestial longitude of 15 degrees.清明这个节气大约在每年4月5日左右,这个...

    2015-04-05 13:58
  • [英语词汇] 节气词汇:春分

    【节气词汇】 Vernal Equinox 春分 "Vernal Equinox” arrives around March 21 every year and on this day, the sun is vertically above a point on the equator. 春分发生在每年...

    2015-03-21 18:20
  • [英语词汇] 节气词汇:雨水


    2015-02-18 13:29
  • [英语词汇] 节气词汇:立春


    2015-02-04 16:48