• [英语听力] BEC会话脱口说:第一章 外宾接待 1.1

    参与方式:填空,不标序号,一空一段,带标点 更新频率:周二、周四、周六 【节目难度:初级】 在日常生活、工作中,虽然是随意说话,但其实呢,是有一些关键句型滴~我们呢,现在通过对话来听听这些...

    2011-07-14 20:00
  • [英语听力] 短句口语:“不要放在心上了。”

    很简短很实用的日常会话,“不要放在心上了”,要怎么说你知道嘛~一起来听写一下吧!I made a mistake over the bill yesterday. I should take the blame. Write it off.莉莉:“我昨天把账算错了,我要为过...

    2011-05-05 10:20
  • [英语听力] 短句口语:“你错失了良机。”

    虽然你很努力地完成这项工作,但是你还是错失了良机。Although you spare no efforts to complete the project. I think you have missed the boat.虽然你很努力地完成这项工作,但是你还是错失了良机。 注...

    2011-05-05 10:04
  • [英语阅读] 可爱双胞胎宝贝对话:如此“高深莫测”的语言谁能懂


    2011-03-30 14:19
  • [英语听力] 短句/实用口语:“我们换个话题吧。”

    May:"我想念奶奶,我昨天梦到她了。" Shirley:"亲爱的,我们换个话题吧。" (只填写双引号内的对话内容)I miss grandma. I dreamed about her yesterday. Dear, let’s drop the subject.May:"我想念奶奶,我...

    2011-03-10 21:30
  • [英语听力] 对话听写:女人和烟

    对话听写 Hints:Yael,DonYael, what's that in your hand? Come on, Don. Haven't you seen a cigarette before? Every day in the United States, about 1500 girls begin smoking, and I figured, why n...

    2011-03-07 16:51
  • [英语听力] 对话听写:可以吃的花

    对话 Hints:Yael,DonDon, are you eating my tulips? Just having myself a little snack. Of MY tulips? I brought those in here to brighten the place up, not for you to eat! And who eats flow...

    2011-03-07 16:50
  • [英语听力] 对话听写:淡定的老人们

    对话So here is a question for our listeners: If there were a potion that would allow you to stay young forever, would you take it? Don: That’s obvious, Yaël? Who wouldn’t want to recapture th...

    2011-03-07 16:39
  • [英语听力] 对话听写:选择性记忆删除

    对话 Hints:Don,Have any unpleasant memories, Don? Sure. Who doesn't? What would you say to having them permanently erased from your brain? Without losing other memories? Right. ...

    2011-03-07 16:38
  • [英语听力] 音乐疗伤

    对话形式Well, focus, is soon Don get here? We can begin the program. Hi,Yael,oh,sorry,I'm late. Are you OK? I was carrying some stuff to my basin last night and it sprained my ankle.It's...

    2011-03-07 16:34