Well, focus, is soon Don get here? We can begin the program. Hi,Yael,oh,sorry,I'm late. Are you OK? I was carrying some stuff to my basin last night and it sprained my ankle.It's still swollen. I have just to think to help. A little Mozart please? Wait, wait, hold on. What does Mozart have to do with my sprained ankle? Maybe it'll help. Studies have shown that Mozart is therapeutic, it can help lower blood pressure and reduce pain in patients on the mend. Any music or just Mozart? Good question. Mozart was a sickly guy, always battling some illness or infection, so he may have unintentionally composed music that helped him relax and feel better. That's interesting,but how can we know that's true? Well, a Harvard surgeon named Claudius Conrad did a simple experiment. He gave earphones to ten patients recovering from surgery. Five listened to Mozart, and five heard nothing. The patients that listened to Mozart had lower blood pressure, less need for pain medication, and had a drop in stress hormones. They also had an increase in pituitary growth hormone, which could work as a sedative. Interesting, but what if you hate Mozart, what if your favorite music is heavy metal? Was that still help you heal? That's the next step in research.
Y:唐什么时候来啊?我们好开始节目。 D:嗨,耶尔,很抱歉,我迟到了。 Y:你没事吧? D:昨晚我放一些东西到水池,结果扭伤了脚踝,现在还很疼。 Y:那我得想想办法帮帮忙了。来听一段莫扎特音乐! D:等等,莫扎特与我扭伤的脚踝有什么关系? Y:说不定这对你有帮助的。研究表明,莫扎特具有治疗效果,有助于降低血压,减轻患者恢复过程中的疼痛。 D:是任何一种音乐还是只有莫扎特? Y:问得很好。莫扎特本人体弱多病,常常与疾病抗战,或许这就让他无意识的谱写一些帮助他放松,感觉良好的音乐。 D:这倒是很有趣。但我们怎么知道这是否可靠。 Y:美国哈佛大学一名为康拉德·克劳狄斯的外科医生做了一个简单的实验。他分给10名正经历手术恢复过程的病人耳机,其中5个人听莫扎特音乐,另外5个人什么也不听。结果显示,与另外5个人相比较,听莫扎特的5个病人血压更低,所需要的止痛药分量较少,应激激素也有所下降,同时可以起镇痛作用的垂体生长激素也有所增加。 D:非常有意思,但要是讨厌莫扎特音乐或者是喜欢的重金属音乐,那又会怎么样?还是能有助于愈合? Y:这就是接下来的研究所要关注的啦!