• [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练75

    I said nothing, only waited:多年来孤独地寄人篱下的生活培养了简镇定、沉着与冷静的性格,尽管简意识到老妇人切中自己的情感要害,还是避而不答。"I can prove that you're cold,and afraid,and a fool," sh...

    2011-03-11 00:17
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练74

    curious adj. 好奇的,奇特的paleadj. 苍白的,灰白的,暗淡的,无力的v. (使)变得苍白 n. 尖桩,围栏,范围vt. 用围栏围住"Excuse me,Miss Eyre,"he said to me. "The gypsy woman knows you are here. She...

    2011-03-11 00:14
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练73

    Chapter Twelve The Gypsythe gypsy:吉卜赛人。对于吉卜赛人的身世人们知之甚少,大约500年前,吉卜赛人移居欧洲,住在大篷车中,靠卖艺或给人占卜维持生计。Chapter Twelve The Gypsy Soon after Mr.Mason ha...

    2011-03-11 00:12
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练72

    jealous adj. 妒忌的,羡慕的,嫉妒的The old house had never seen so much life and activity during the days of the party. Everyday Mr.Rochester and his guests rode horses,and walked in the beautif...

    2011-03-11 00:09
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练71

    instead of prep. 代替,而不是 Just then I heard Blanche Ingram say to him, "Oh Edward,you should have sent Ade-le away to school instead of getting her a teacher. I saw that young woman wit

    2011-03-11 00:07
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练71

    instead of prep. 代替,而不是 ...Just then I heard Blanche Ingram say to him, "Oh Edward,you should have sent Adele away to school instead of getting her a teacher. I saw that young woman with h...

    2011-03-11 00:07
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练70

    dressed in 穿着The next night,Ade-le and I were in the sitting room when the ladies came in after dinner. We were dressed in our best clothes. All the women were beautiful,but I was especiall

    2011-03-11 00:04
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练69

    whispern. 低语,窃窃私语,飒飒的声音vi. 低声说,窃窃私语,飒飒地响vt. 耳语,私语 n. 流言蜚语,踪迹,暗示"Does she know?"Mildred whispered. "No,and she isn't going to find out! Do you understand?Don...

    2011-03-11 00:00
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练68

    wealthyadj. 富有的n. 富人plainn. 平原,草原adj. 清楚的,坦白的,简单的,平坦的,平常的,纯的,不掺杂的"Well,women marry men older than they are every day. And forty isn't old at all,"I said. Sud...

    2011-03-10 23:59
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练66

    curlingn. 苏格兰的冰上掷石游戏,头发的卷曲,卷缩"There are three sisters,who are very pretty young ladies,and their friends,Blanche and mary Ingram. But Blanche is the most beautiful of them all...

    2011-03-10 23:55