• [英语听力] 简爱 听写训练130

    St. John:圣约翰。St.为Saint的缩略语,常放置人名或地名前,尤指经基督教会宣布的,例如牧师For three days and nights I lay in bed,tired from the awful experience at Thornfield. I hardly knew where ...

    2011-03-11 02:43
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练129

    简爱It was getting dark again,and I was alone on the moor. Suddenly I saw a small light nearby. I guessed that the light meant there was a house,so I decided to try and find it. And finally I ...

    2011-03-11 02:42
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练116

    forgave:宽恕forgive的过去时,它的过去分词是forgiven。共有几种表达法:1、forgive sth.2、forgive sb.3、forgive sb. for sth./doing sth.Chapter Eighteen Mr. Rochester's Story Sometime in the afterno...

    2011-03-11 02:18
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练113

    growl:v.咆哮。英语中有很多关于“叫”地词汇,例如:1、shout:一般指大声叫喊,最普通的词。2、cry:指由于恐惧、疼痛等而发出的叫喊,具有强烈的感情色彩。3、scream:指尖叫。4、bark:指狗叫。"Too late!...

    2011-03-11 02:12
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练112

    简爱Then he said, "I must tell the truth,I suppose. There will be no wedding today. God will punish me for this. These men are telling you the truth. I am married,and my wife is alive! I was...

    2011-03-11 02:11
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练67

    strange adj. 奇怪的,陌生的 adv. 奇怪地extremely adv. 极其,非常 gentleman n. 绅士,先生,有教养的人"I didn't know he could sing,"I said. I felt very strange inside as I listened to Mrs. Fairfax...

    2011-03-10 23:57
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练26

    简爱While Mr.Brocklehurst was talking,I hid my face behind my writing slate so that he would not see me. But suddenly the slate fell from my hand and broke in two on the hard floor!I knew what wo...

    2011-03-10 22:20
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练19

    简爱~After breakfast came a happy time of day, when the students could play and talk together a little. Everyone agreed that the breakfast was terrible. At nine o'clock, the lessons started again...

    2011-03-10 21:55
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练16

    简爱Part two-the schoolgirl chapter three My First Impressions of School Finally,in the middle of January,I left Gateshead for Lowood School.Bessie helped me to get ready,even though I had to ...

    2011-03-10 21:47
  • [英语听力] 简爱 听力训练15

    简爱After Mr. Brocklehurst had left, I felt I had to speak. I was too angry to hide my feelings. I walked up to Mrs. Reed and looked her straight in the eye. "Mrs. Reed, I do not lie to people! I...

    2011-03-10 21:37