Part two-the schoolgirl chapter three My First Impressions of School Finally,in the middle of January,I left Gateshead for Lowood School.Bessie helped me to get ready,even though I had to get up very early to leave. "Will you say good-bye to Mrs.Reed, Jane?" Bessie asked. "No,she doesn't want to wake up. Anyway,I don't want to say anything to her,or the Reed children.They've always hated me." "Oh,Miss Jane,don't say that!" "Well,it's true.Good-bye to Gateshead!"I shouted happily,as we left the house and walked towards the road to wait for the coach.Soon it arrived.It was full of people.The driver took all of my clothes and things,and told me to get in quickly.Bessie kissed me for the last time as I held tightly to her. She told the driver,"Make sure you take care of her!Fifty miles is a long way for a young child to travel,when she is alone." "I will!" he answered.The door was closed, and the coach rolled off.It felt strange to be leaving Gateshead.Even though I hated life there,it had been my home for as long as I could remember.I was sad to leave Bessie,but I was excited about the new school and the new people I would meet there.
Finally adv. 最后, 最终 get up 起床,起立 wake up v. 醒来,叫醒