• [英语词汇] 【外教课堂】流浪者日记:用手抓饭的乐趣


    2010-10-20 18:27
  • [英语听力] 捕鼠夹在印度 (2)

    老鼠可以破坏25%的收成。改良捕鼠器挽回了数吨粮食。 提示:Irulas;Tamil Nadu;Siri Terjesen;Texas Christian University The Irulas asked for and received almost $100,000 from the World Bank. They u...

    2008-09-23 00:00
  • [英语听力] 捕鼠夹在印度 (1)

    the Irula Tamil Nadu the Development of Disadvantaged People in Chennai Sethu Sethunarayanan A better rat trap has led to a better life for the Irula tribe in Tamil Nadu state in southeastern...

    2008-09-22 00:00
  • [英语听力] iPhone印度低调上市 (2)

    “很多人为了这一刻曾经等待了两年之久,并且他们准备花这个钱。但是这个人数显然与我们的预期大相径庭。Airtel, one of the companies which launched the iPhone, has shrugged off the high price tag, sayi...

    2008-08-27 00:00
  • [英语听力] iPhone印度低调上市 (1)

    没有手机可以与之媲美.我感觉这是世界上最好用的手机。我很兴奋... 提示: Abhishek Jain; New DelhiOnly a scant crowd turned up for the midnight launch of Apple's iPhone in New Delhi on Friday. It inc...

    2008-08-26 00:00
  • [英语听力] 印度经济保持良好发展势头(2)

    新年伊始,在印度城市不难发现其逐渐发展繁荣景象...Stock markets reflected the faith in the future of the economy. Share prices gained more than 40 percent in 2007. Mumbai's Sensex index closed the ...

    2008-01-04 00:00
  • [英语听力] 印度经济保持良好发展势头(1)

    新年伊始,在印度城市不难发现其逐渐发展繁荣景象...Signs of growing prosperity in urban India were easy to find as the New Year began - shoppers crowded up-market malls, and new highways were being ...

    2008-01-03 00:00
  • [未分类小类] [推荐单曲]21st Century Christmas

    21st Century Christmas/move It - Cliff Richard 上周UK榜单的新进上榜歌曲,由Cliff Richard演绎的<21st Century Christmas/move It>,一上榜就坐到了...

    2006-12-28 20:55
  • [未分类小类] 我在美国找工作历程

    我得找工作历程以前在版子上看到好多mm的经验,获益很多,希望我的经验也能给各位jm一点帮助。 我在美国读了一个硕士毕业,从要毕业的那一年起就开始找工作,先...

    2006-12-18 22:58
  • [未分类小类] 高口国家、地区、首都名称汇总

    名词/形容词 简写 国家/地区 首都/首府 1. Afghanistan, Afghan, AF 阿富汗 Kabul 2. Albania, Albanian AL 阿尔巴尼亚 Tirana 3. Arge...

    2006-12-09 16:01