Signs of growing prosperity in urban India were easy to find as the New Year began - shoppers crowded up-market malls, and new highways were being constructed at a frantic pace to accommodate the cars being snapped up by the middle class. Analysts say economic growth in 2007 might be slightl…
新年伊始,在印度城市不难发现其逐渐发展繁荣景象。超市里拥挤的购物人群,为了迎合中产阶级抢购汽车的需要而正以疯狂速度建造新的公路. 有分析家认为印度2007的经济增长可能比上一年有轻微的减缓,但是事实上经济增长仍将达到8%,是世界上增长速度最快的国家之一. D.H. Pai Panindiker是独立研究小组(the RPG Goenka基金会)的领…