
英年早逝:Handsome Year,Morning Die;

表妹:Watch Sister;

朝三暮四:Morning three night four;

美中不足:American Chinese not enough;

心花怒放:Heart Flower Angry Open;

请把贵重物品留在前台: please leave your values at the front desk(请把价值观留在前台);

小心撞头:please bump your head carefully(请你小心地撞头);

如果被盗请立即报警:If you are stolen, call the police at once(如果你(自己)被偷走了,立即报警)

咱俩谁跟谁啊? We two who and who?

怎么是你,怎么老是你?how are you ? how old are you?

知之为知之,不知为不知:Know is know, noknow is noknow.

你问我,我问谁:You ask me,me ask who?

人山人海:people moumtain people sea. 

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