7. 简单却由于省略过多意思不明的一段对话,同时也很耐人寻味的父子对话。
Dad- I see things.
Son-Do you see things or do you hear things? Because don't always believe what you hear.
Dad- Have I ever?
Son- No.
Dad- So why would I now? I mean, besides, I haven't heard anything.
Son- What's to hear?
Dad- Nothing.

8. Things don't always work out the way we plan, especially if we don't plan.

9. You look as good in a shirt as without one. ——母亲半讽刺的夸奖儿子。(Ricky 没穿上衣的样子被拍进监控录像里了)

Son- That's pretty scary.
Mum-You wanna hear something scarier? Once you get with Grace, you're gonna feel sick for taking advantage of her. You're gonna withdraw from her, never call her again. That's what you do. That's the pattern. And Grace Bowman, who tries to be perfect, is gonna be flawed, at least in her eyes, and who knows if she can live with that kind of imperfection? Her or her parents. It's a bigger deal to this young woman than I think you can understand. I'm giving you good advice here. Don't.
——get with 开始做,对什么注意,用在恋爱中,指得到恋人
——feel sick for 对什么感到恶心
——withdraw from sb/ somewhere 离开某人退出某地
——flaw n.瑕疵 flawed adj.有瑕疵的
——live with that kind of imperfection 终生与那个污点相伴

11. If we get our butts moving, we can still make the sermon..
——get moving快点,让屁股快点,就是别原地不动,快点行动的意思。
——sermon布道,天主教(基督宗教的三大教派之一,其他两个是基督新教和东正教,在《绝望主妇》S01E02里有详细的解说)该词起源于中世纪英语(middle English),而这个英文词汇又借鉴于一个古典法语词,而这个法语词的终极来源又是拉丁语的sermō意思是discourse,所以不难理解,sermon就是教堂礼拜中的说教演说环节。更多解释,请看

Minister- She's our very own Buffy the Vampire Slayer. She's a beautiful example of faith in the power of God.
Reporter- Terrific. I really wasn't expecting you to show up, but I was hoping.(一看就知道是信众)
Girl- I just wanna say that it's very kind of our minister to speak so highly of me after what I did. But that's just how he is, and that's how our church members are -supportive and caring, and even though I made a mistake...
——Buffy the Vampire Slayer吸血鬼猎手Buffy,关于这个虚构的英雄有很多相关的电影,剧集和游戏作品。
——very 这里作形容词用,指真正的,就是那个。她就是我们真正的正义天使。

Girl- and I got myself in a very scary situation.
Reporter- Then you got yourself out.
Girl- Well, I think I must have had a guardian angel looking out for me.
Reporter- I see. Guardian angel. That's the explanation.
Minister- Not everything in this life can be explained. (令人厌烦的插言)
Girl- We like to think that when we do the wrong thing or make a bad decision it only affects us, but that obviously isn't true, and I just wanna say I'm so sorry for any problems I might have caused anyone.
——guardian angel 守护天使,这也是天主教的教义理论,守护天使负责保护上帝指示他们保护的人。
