Nien nu chiao - Battle of Red Cliff

沪江口语资料“绝密版” 免费赠送活动进行中

大江东去,The Ynagtze flows east
浪淘尽,Washing away
千古风流人物。A thousand ages of great men
故垒西边,West of the ramparts --
人道是,People say --
三国周郎赤壁。Are the fables Red Cliffs of young Chou of the Three Kingdoms
乱石穿空,Rebellious rocks pierce the sky
惊涛拍岸,Frightening waves rip the bank
卷起千堆雪。The backwash churns vast snowy swells --
江山如画,River and mountains like a painting
一时多少豪杰。how many heroes passed them, once ...

遥想公瑾当年,Think back to those years, Chou Yu --
小乔初嫁了,Just married to the younger Chiao --
雄姿英发。Brave, brilliant
羽扇纶巾,With plumed fan, silk kerchief
谈笑间,Laughed and talked
樯橹灰飞烟灭。While masts and oars vanished to flying ash and smoke!
故国神游,I roam through ancient realms
多情应笑我,Absurdly moved
早生华发。Turn gray too soon --
人生如梦,A man's life passes like a dream --
一樽还酹江月。Pour out a cup then, to the river, and the moon
