
❀ Hints:

Dr. Lightman



Tell me the truth. Can't you see the truth? You can't, can you? You can't read me and you like that. You like my poker face, Dr. Lightman? Okay, the truth. Jake's had 3 months to imagine playing at the final table, and everything it means, his whole life is gonna change. He just wanted to talk to somebody, somebody's who's gonna tell him it's all gonna be okay. He trusted you. So I met him at a little place down the strip, made him feel better for half an hour, and left. How many times in the last there months did you manipulate his confidence in the guise of being his friend? I wouldn't manipulate Jake. Excellent. That's righteous indignation. It's also total nonsense. I think you worked him. I think you'd do everything you could to convince him that winning was more of a curse than a blessing to get an advantage at the final table. I mean, it's brilliant, as far as strategies go. Maybe I shouldn't have told you. Well, you had to. You needed me to trust you, right? So you shared a half-truth. Cal. A call just came into the production phone.
告诉我实话吧。 你看不到么?你看不到,对吧。你读不懂我,而且你很喜欢这种感觉。很喜欢我的扑克脸么,莱特曼博士?好吧,真相就是杰克已经梦想着进决赛三个月了,而且自此之后所有对于他重要的东西、甚至他的一生都会改变。他只是想和人说说话,告诉他一切都会好起来的。 他相信了你。 所以我把他叫出来,安慰了他半小时,然后就走了。 过去三个月里你作为他的朋友利用他的自信心操控他了多少次? 我不会操纵他的。 表演得很好,挺义愤填膺的。不过这也是假的。我认为你曾试图说服他,你尽可能让他相信对于在决赛中获得优势,一路得胜,更像是诅咒而不是祝福。从策略来看,你的确很聪明。 也许我本不该告诉你的。 你没别的选择。你需要我信任你,对吧?所以你只告诉了我一半的实话。 卡尔,刚刚有个电话打到操作间了。