

Dow Jones Industrial Average

Wall Street Journal


Within hours of a recent major stock market drop, I telephoned my Ford dealer and ordered the station wagon that I test-drove the day before. As my friends not so subtly pointed out, the Dow Jones Industrial Average didn't have much to do with my financial situation and shouldn't affect my purchase. Besides, my old car had caused me headaches for months. Still, I spent the evening asking myself: Could I afford a new car? Should I be saving instead of spending? Would we need to cut back on vacations? On the list of items people worry about, money is almost always at the top. A study in the Wall Street Journal found that 70% of the public lives from paycheck to paycheck. Mortgage debt has increased 300% since 1975, and consumer bankruptcies are at an all-time high. Most marriages that fail list financial problems as a contributing factor.
最近一次股市大跌后的几个小时内,我就打电话给我的福特汽车商,订购了我前一天试开过的旅行车。正如我的朋友明确指出的那样,道琼斯工业平均指数与我的财政状况并无多大关系,不应该影响我买车。而且,我那旧车已经使我头疼了好几个月了。 但我还是整个晚上再问自己:我能买得起新车吗?我是不是应该存钱而不是花钱?我们是不是有必要减少度假的时间? 在人们一系列的烦恼中,钱总是名列前茅。 一项《华尔街日报》的研究发现百分之七十的公共其工资收入仅够开销,毫无剩余。自1975年以来按揭借债增加了百分之三百,而且消费者破产达到有史以来最高。经济问题被列为导致大多数婚姻失败的一个因素