




Museums are places where collections of objects are preserved and displayed. The objects may be anything found in nature or made by man. There are museums devoted to art, science, history, industry, and technology. But museums are no longer just storehouses for collections. Today nearly all museums, large or small, carry on educational programmes. Museums offer guided tours, lectures, films, music recitals, art lessons, and other attractions. They organize field trips and clubs. They publish pamphlets, guides, and catalogues to help visitors to gain a better understanding of the collections. They carry on research programmes, the results of which are published so that many people can benefit from them. Many large museums have extensive libraries open to qualified researchers. Often museums collect more objects than they have room to display. The best are chosen for exhibition, and the rest are kept in a study collection. These study collections can be used by students, researchers, and scholars.
博物馆是保存和展览藏品的地方。这些藏品有的来源于大自然,有的是人类创造的。很多博物馆都致力于艺术,科学,历史,工业和技术。 但是博物馆不只是这些藏品的储藏所。现在,大大小小的博物馆都在实施教育计划。许多博物馆都提供向导性的参观,讲座,电影,音乐演奏会,艺术课以及其他吸引人的特色活动。他们组织实地考察和创建俱乐部。他们出版的小册子,指南和目录用来帮助游客更好地了解藏品。 他们进行的研究项目所取得成果会出版出来,以便更多的人受益。许多大型博物馆有扩展库。有资格的研究人员才可以进入。通常博物馆拥有的藏品超过它本身的储存能力。最有价值的藏品会展出,其他的会用于藏品研究。学生,研究人员和学者会使用这些藏品做研究。 (翻译:有梦小溪, 水平有限,仅供参考)