





"We've done years of work in showing that excess alarm or stress chemicals can literally burst heart muscle fibers. When that happens it happens very quickly, within five minutes. It creates many short circuits, and that causes crazy heart rhythms. The heart beats like a bag of worms instead of a pump. And when that happens, we can't live." Eliot, 64, suffered a heart attack at age 44. He attributes some of the cause to stress. For years he was a "hot reactor". On the exterior, he was cool, calm and collected, but on the interior, stress was killing him. He's now doing very well. The main predictors of destructive levels of stress are the FUD factors - fear, uncertainty and doubt - together with perceived lack of control, he says.
“我们已经做了多年研究,证明过分忧虑或紧张所产生的化学物质的确会损伤心肌纤维。这种情况发生时往往很快,不到5分钟。它会造成许多短路,而且这种短路会引起严重的心律不齐。心脏跳起来不像一个泵,而像一只装着蠕虫的袋子(杂乱而又绵软无力)。当这种情况发生时,我们就活不成了。” 现年64岁的埃利奥特,在44岁时曾有过一次心脏病发作,他把那次心脏病发作的部分原因归于压力。多年来,他一直是一个“热核反应堆式的人”。表面上,他显得沉着、冷静、泰然自若,但他内心深处的压力使他筋疲力尽。他现在身体状况很好。 他说,压力破坏性程度的主要预测指标是FUD因素──FUD指的是恐惧、犹豫和怀疑──再加上可察觉到的缺乏控制力。