卡森相信了托马斯的诬告 请来贝茨问话~


What is it that I'm accused of?

Oh, nobody's "accusing" you of anything, 1__________________________________

, and before I take it any further,  I want to find if there's a simple



How do you know that?

Right. Well, 3_______________________.

※文章如有错误请多多见谅 并且欢迎在讨论区指出(* ̄︶ ̄)y  

but there has been a suggestion that you were handling the cellar key Because some wine is missing we'll leave it there for now
我被指控什么罪名? 并非有人指控你,只是有人暗示我说,你拿了酒窖的钥匙。 在我继续调查之前我想知道此事是否有合理的解释。 是因为有酒失窃了。 你怎么知道? 好吧暂时先说到这里吧。