

- Max! - Ooh! What are you doing?


I know, I'm a bad boy.

Look, the reason I'm not sitting in your section

is because my buddy Carlos is crushing pretty hard on Caroline

and he asked me to do what I can to hook them up.

Oh. So now you're a bartender,

a street artist, and a pimp.

Ain't nuttin' wrong with me pimpin' some boy on the side.


So From pimp to pimp...

Help me out with your girl.


Is it hot in here?

Yes, and we're in a freezer.

Yes. My freezer.

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You're not supposed to be in here Keeps me in spray paint and what not. My girl don't come cheap
麦克斯 -你这是干嘛 你不能进来的 我知道 我是个小坏蛋 听着 我之所以不坐在你那区 是因为我朋友卡洛斯对卡洛琳超级动心 他求我尽力去帮他牵线 哦 原来你的职业不光是酒保 还是街头艺术家和皮条客 兼职帮小弟弟拉拉皮条有啥不对 不然哪有钱搞艺术什么的 所以呢 马夫 老鸨之间不说暗话 帮我把你的妹子搞到手吧 我的妹子可不是这么好"搞"的 这里是不是有点热呀 是啊 我们还是在冷藏室呢 没错 在我的冷藏室