
I'm sorry. The only sure way to get rid of a servant is to have him or her suspected of stealing.

Aren't you forgetting we've tried that and it didn't work.

But last time we invented a theft.

1 ___________________________________ when

something's really been stolen.


Because you stole it, you noodle.

Oh, you mean the wine. Yeah, the wine.

But that's the whole point; Bates knows I took it. He was threatening to tell Mr Carson.

Well, he can't, can he? Not if we get in first.


Not exactly, but I saw him in here and I thought the key was swinging on  its hook. I just wondered if you'd noticed if any of the wine was missing.

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What we need to do is to make him a suspect How do we know anything's been stolen Are you telling me you saw him take the cellar key
很遗憾,赶走一个仆人的唯一方法就是让他成为盗窃案的嫌疑人,你忘了我们上次尝试以失败告终? 但上次盗窃是我我们演的戏。 我们要做的事,如果真的有东西失窃,把火引到他身上。 我们怎么知道有东西失窃? 你不是偷了吗?你说那些酒?对就是酒。 这才是问题的关键。可是贝茨知道是我拿的,他威胁要向卡森先生告密。 如果我们先发制人,他不就告不成了。 你说你看到他拿了酒窖的钥匙? 也不算是,不过我看到他在这儿,而钥匙似乎还在钩子上晃着。 我只是再想您是否发觉有酒失窃。