



Caroline, the happy, shiny people in suits

asked me to give you this note.

Oh,1 _____________________!

They suggested we sell Max's cupcakes

at the cool new coffee place in their building.

But you already sell cupcakes here in my diner.

Han, we're building a cupcake business

that will one day get us out of here.


But I thought we had something special.

Yes, but we're not exclusive.

The diner's cute, 3__________________________.


First girlfriend all over again.

what a great idea That's what we're trying to do with our lives but I want more than this
卡洛琳 那些西装革履的开心人士 让我把这纸条给你 这个主意真棒 他们建议我们把麦克斯的小蛋糕 拿去他们楼里新开的那家咖啡店卖 但你们已经在我这家餐厅卖了呀 憨 我们要开一家 某天能助我们飞出这里的蛋糕店 我们的目标是要脱离苦海 我们之间这情谊难道是假的吗 可我们也没有订终身啊 这儿是挺好的 可我要的不止如此 哎哟 初恋女友的台词又重现了 ※文章如有错误请多多见谅 并且欢迎在讨论区指出(* ̄︶ ̄)y