剧情:caroline为收到小费金额太少而委屈 max又仗义出手了~



Here you go, Earl.

Table 12 throwing down a credit card on a patty melt.

They really need those eight airline miles?

Where they going...New Jersey?

Credit cards are the downfall of America.

Well, credit cards and Kim Kardashian.

I like her big ass as much as the next man,

but don't go give the damn butt a franchise.

Max,1 ___________________________________.

Please keep your sex life to yourself.

I handled it when I lost my fortune,

and I handled it when I lost my fortune.

You said that twice.

Because I think it bears repeating.

But this is too much.

That couple that just left...a $50 check,

a $1.47 tip.

47 cents?

Uh, 2_____________________________.

I smiled and bent over backwards, giving them service...

all for $1.47?

This makes me the lowest-paid hooker in New York.

All right, 3________________________.



I can take a lot I wasn't even aware they were still making pennies give me that check. I'll handle this
给 厄尔 有的信用卡可拿积分免费兑换飞行里程数 他们是有多需要这八英里呀 难不成是想飞去新泽西吗 新泽西与纽约只有一河之隔 信用卡是美国没落的原因 我跟普通男人一样 都喜欢她的大屁股 但把屁股拿出来卖就不对了 麦克斯 我自认承受力强 你的性能力自己知道就好 我身败名裂的时候 我挺住了 我身败名裂的时候 我真的挺住了 你说了两遍 因为我觉得这值得再三强调 但是这个 我实在挺不住了 刚走的那对情侣消费了五十块 却只留下一块四毛七的小费 四毛七呀 原来还有在铸造这么小面额的硬币啊 我笑脸迎人 卑躬屈膝 难道我的服务 就值一块四毛七吗 我就这么成了纽约最廉价的妓女 好啦 把账单给我 我来搞定