剧情:caroline和max举行了派队很成功 可是han没有尝到甜头~



Oleg, what's up?

Not enjoying the '90s horse party?

I thought you said "'90s whores party."

Now I'm wearing girdle and deodorant for no reason.

Quite a turnout, Max.

Reminds me of the after-hours clubs I used to go to,

you know, if all the cool cats shooting dope

were replaced by sad, white fools sipping light beer.


I did research and make myself a 1990s trivia T-shirt.

"Talk to the Han."

Get it?

"Talk to the Han!"

1 __________________________.

I am hoping it will help me...

Get laid?

Care to purchase a tamagotchi

or a 90210-reo cupcake?

We came here wanting to hate on you chicks hard.

But 2_______________________.

You bested us, party beast.

And to that, I doff my cap.

- How much are the cupcakes? - $10 each.

Ooh, I doff my cap again, my lady.

Max, look at all this.

We're a success!


the plan to get Han some action.

Look at him over there.

-That's so sad.  I know.

Go over there and give him a "Han" job.


That actually is cool that horse you got out back is mad cool I'll tell you what's not a success
奥列格 怎么了 不喜欢九零年代与马共舞派对吗 害我白穿紧身衣 白喷除臭剂了 结果真出人意料 麦克斯 让我想起以前常去的那家酒吧 只不过当年吧里都是霸气的嗑药青年 而这里只有喝低酒度啤酒的可悲白人弱鸡男 瞧 我查了资料 然后为自己做了件九零年代T恤 懂么 "憨得理你" 还真的挺酷的 我希望这件衣服能助我 滚床单吗 想买个电子宠物 还是比弗"奥利奥"山庄小蛋糕吗 90210是比弗利山庄邮编 我们本来是想来砸场子的 可是你们后院的马真的酷到爆啊 你们大获全胜啊 派对之王 就这一点 我脱帽致敬 -这蛋糕多少钱 -每个十美元 再次脱帽致敬 女士 麦克斯 你瞧 我们成功了 有个环节失败了 憨都没尝到半点甜头 瞧他那可怜样 -太可怜了 -我知道 快伸出援"手"让憨乐呵乐呵吧