






S: Kaye screamed at me a lot, that's for sure but I didn't kill her. ____.
B: Yeah, in New Orleans soaking up the gumbo. You told us. When was the last time you saw your wife?
S: Five days ago. When I came back from my trip she was gone.
B: ____?
S: I keep my personal business private. If Kaye had left me again, I wasn't going to broadcast it.
B: So this neighbor lady who told me that she heard a gunshot and a woman scream inside your apartment ... what, she just imagined that?
S: It was probably our TV.
G: Mr. Shelton ... did your wife drive race cars?
S: You're kidding me.
G: No. ____. These are your wife's x rays.
A: ____.
S: Kaye can get wild. If I came home late with friends I've wrestled her off me. I admit that.
B: Three complaints against Scott for spousal abuse in the last two years.
S: Kaye was excitable. ____.
A: How about a gun?
S: ____.
G: So do you.
A: We're going to investigate your apartment. ____?
S: Come on over. I've got nothing to hide.
A: We'll be the judge of that.

In fact, I was out of town last week at a convention And you didn't think to notify the police The two most common causes of facial trauma in adult women: motor vehicle accidents and domestic violence Every face and neck fracture your wife has sustained over the last six years is highlighted Like I said I've wrestled her off me, but I never, ever laid a hand on her You have your hands full with her Do we need a warrant or are you going to play nice
SCOTT SHELTON: 凯伊经常冲着我大吼大叫,这是真的,但我没有杀她。事实上,我上周出去了,去参加了一个会议。 BRASS: 是的,那是新奥尔良收获向日葵的季节,这你跟我们说过。你最后一次见到你妻子是什么时候? SCOTT SHELTON: 五天之前。当我回来后,她就不见了。 BRASS: 当时你没想过要报警吗? SCOTT SHELTON: 我一向不泄漏自己的私事。要是凯伊再次离开我的话,我也不会去报警的。 BRASS: 邻居有一位女士跟我们说曾听到过枪声,接着就是一个女人的尖叫声,这些都是她的幻觉吗? SCOTT SHELTON: 或许只是我们的电视。 GRISSOM: 谢尔顿先生,你妻子开跑车吗? SCOTT SHELTON: 你是在说笑吧。 GRISSOM: 不。造成一个成年女性如此的脸部伤痕,一般来说只有两种原因:交通事故和家庭暴力。这些都是你妻子的X光照片。 SARA: 过去六年你妻子在脸部还有颈部所受过的伤,在上面都显示得清清楚楚。 SCOTT SHELTON: 凯伊这人很野蛮。要是我从朋友那儿回来晚的话,她就会和我纠缠不清。这我承认。 BRASS: 在过去的两年里,曾有三位投诉者投诉斯科特曾经虐待过自己的配偶。 SCOTT SHELTON: 凯伊很容易激动的。就像我所说的,她曾和我纠缠不清,但我从未对她动过一根指头。 SARA: 那枪是怎么回事? SCOTT SHELTON: 看来你们为她的案子都忙坏了。 GRISSOM: 你也一样。 SARA: 我们要对你的住所进行调查。你是需要我们有搜查证还是自己主动合作? SCOTT SHELTON: 那请便。我没什么要隐藏的。 SARA: 我们会得出结论的。