






B: Excuse me for a minute. Hi. Well, I got the horsepower on everybody here. 99% of the people know nothing, saw nothing. Big surprise.
G: What about Portia Richmond?
B: Well, according to her friends she's been romancing some young stallion for over a month. She's in love. She's cruising the Mediterranean on some yacht, eating cheese cubes. Got a couple watching the house. ____. Mr. and Mrs. Haynes, this is Gil Grissom and Catherine Willows. They're from the crime lab.
C: Hi.
G: ____?
P: ____.
G: How is it that you know Portia Richmond?
A: Oh, we met her at the Murado at the top of the Mediterranean.
B: You need an oil well in your backyard to belong to that place.
C: Private club fifty grand a year just to walk through the door.
P: ____
A: It was like we'd known Portia all our lives. Has that ever happened to you?
G: No.
P: We were new in town. Portia introduced us around, and took us under her wing.
A: We were from back east, and we had mutual acquaintances.
C: And you're house-sitting? Or you're living in?
P: House-sitting while hunting for our own place. Portia refused to take any money from us.
A: She wouldn't even let us pay for a dinner.
P: That's why, when she took off to Europe ...
A: This charity event.
P: It's the least we could do. After all, we know how to throw a party.
B: You can say that again.
G:  ____?
P: No.
G: And you, miss?
A: Well, as far as I know she wasn't even on the guest list.
P: Something wrong?
G: Yes. A woman's dead.

Apparently, she often takes in strays Do you mind if we ask you a few more questions By all means But worth every penny Did you know the deceased woman
BRASS: 失陪一会。你好。我已经帮这里每个人录了口供了,可是里面99%的人什么都不知道,什么都没看到,惊奇吧? GRISSOM: 那波西亚·里奇蒙德呢? BRASS: 根据她一些朋友的口供,她现在和某位猛男交往了一个多月,恋爱了。现在正在驾游艇环游地中海,可能正在享受着美味大餐。现在帮她看家的是另一对夫妇。看起来她经常外出。海恩斯先生,海恩斯太太,这两位是吉尔·葛瑞森以及凯萨琳·韦罗斯,犯罪鉴证调查科科员。 CATHERINE: 两位好。 GRISSOM: 两位不介意我询问多几个问题吧? PATRICK HAYNES: 随便。 GRISSOM: 你们是怎么认识波西亚女士的? AMANDA HAYNES: 我们是在地中海的穆拉多俱乐认识的。 BRASS: 要加入那俱乐部可不简单,至少身家得上亿才行。 CATHERINE: 每年最少都得花5万的会费才能加入那私家会所。 PATRICK HAYNES: 但里面一切都会让你觉得值。 AMANDA HAYNES: 我们在那一见如故。你们有没有试过这种事和别人一见如故? GRISSOM: 没有。 PATRICK: 我们也是来了这里不久。波西亚带我们四处游玩,邀我们乘坐她私人飞机前来。 AMANDA HAYNES: 我们是东部人,可以说和她是熟人吧。 CATHERINE: 你们是来帮她看家的?还是就住进来了? PATRICK HAYNES: 现在算是帮她看家。另一方面我们现在也想在这里买房子。波西亚甚至不让我们花一分钱。 AMANDA HAYNES: 吃饭都是她请的客。 PATRICK HAYNES: 于是在她去欧洲期间……我们举办了这个…… AMANDA HAYNES: 慈善晚会。 PATRICK HAYNES: 我们能做的也就这么多了,我们还是挺善于开晚会的。 BRASS: 看来一点也不错。 GRISSOM: 你认识女死者吗? PATRICK HAYNES: 不认识。 GRISSOM: 你呢,小姐? AMANDA HAYNES: 就我所知,我们甚至根本没有邀请过这么一人。 PATRICK HAYNES: 有什么不妥吗? GRISSOM: 是的。有名女性死了。