





C: ____ - keys and security code?
R: Just my wife and my two sons and, uh ... my daughter.
C: Can you get them all here? ____.
W: Hey, Catherine. Check this out. You see that?
C: Helix, antihelix, helix rim, tragus, antitragus.
W: ____.
C: Come on. An ear print?
W:  Hey, ____.
C: Yeah, I know, I know. ____. Well, photograph and lift. We'll have someone to compare it to soon enough.

How many people have access to your home They might be able to help us with evidence I think the thief must have pressed his head against the wall to check if the painting was wired a jury convicted a first-degree murderer based on a print just like this two years ago in Washington I'd like to see that one on appeal
CATHERINE: 你记得有多少人有你这里的钥匙和安全密码吗? RICHARD ZEIGLER: 只有我妻子和我的两个儿子,额……还有我的女儿。 CATHERINE: 你能把他们都叫来吗?他们或许能给我们一些线索。 WARRICK: 嘿,凯萨琳,来看看这个。看见了? CATHERINE: 耳轮、对耳轮、耳轮边、耳珠、耳屏。 WARRICK: 我想那个贼一定是在看幅画有无安全装置的时候,把自己的脸靠在了墙上。 CATHERINE: 行了,就耳纹吗? WARRICK: 两年前在华盛顿,法庭可是根据这个,判决了一宗一级谋杀案子的。 CATHERINE: 是的,我知道,我知道。我想看到那个案子上诉。好了,先把它拍下来吧。然后让别人来验证一下就行了。