填写缺失的部分,注意标点及大小写,句末标点已给出,不用听写。序号不用写出。 剧情: [b]卡若琳帮MAX打了分手电话 MAX金句又出现 跟男人分手 仅有的乐趣就是 在还他东西的时候 告诉他 自己比他好个上千万倍[/b] 450)=450"> I need to see you outside. Now. 1______________________. She takes money from the homeless. Not true, Bob's an investor. Be right back. Good cupcake, right? Max, I don't know how smart that was, blowing by our only potential business contact. 2______________________. The only remotely good thing about breaking up with a guy 3_________________________ when you give him back his stuff. I don't know if you noticed, but 4____________________________ and I was really looking forward to that. And then you went and stole it. But I guess you couldn't help it, 'cause that's what you channings do, you steal things.
Don't get involved with her You stole my breakup scene is telling him how much better you are than him my entertainment budget is pretty low
我们出去谈 快 不要跟她扯上关系 她连流浪汉的钱都拿 不是这样的 鲍勃是投资者 马上回来 小蛋糕不错 对吧 麦克斯 有理智的人是绝对不会 把我们唯一的潜在商业伙伴吓走 你把我的分手场景偷走了 跟男人分手 仅有的乐趣就是 在还他东西的时候 告诉他 自己比他好个上千万倍 我不知道你有没有注意到 我的娱乐预算超级有限 所以我可是相当期待这一幕 结果半路杀出个卡洛琳 但我猜你是情不自禁 你们钱宁家都是一路货色 偷东西的惯犯