填写缺失的部分,注意标点及大小写,句末标点已给出,不用听写。序号不用写出。 剧情: MAX早晨起来看见卡若琳把窗帘拉上去 说 450)=450"> Morning! It's a beautiful day. 1_________________. From now on, think of me as a vampire without all the annoying marketing. Bad news. A pipe broke in the street so the water's off. Good news, when I went out to get us two coffees, I spoke to Juan and Javier, two city workers. And they assured me the water'll be on no later than 3:00. I also 2___________________________ and got us a fresh-squeezed juice to split. It's ginger-apple-strawberry. That was the name of the hooker who had this apartment before me. What is this? From me. It says "Thanks for letting me sleep in your bed last night." 3__________________________. When I went to the cute coffee place, I spoke to the counter girl, Nabulangi-- If someone named Nabulangi is making an appearance in the first sentence, I have to sit down.
These shades belong down stopped at the health food store I prefer my usual cash on the bedside table
早安 真是美好的一天 这些帘子的职责就是遮挡阳光 从现在开始 把我当作 不用看我行销的吸血鬼 坏消息 这街的水管坏了 所以今天断水 好消息是 我出去给咱俩买咖啡时 两个市政工人 胡安和哈维尔告诉我 最晚下午三点 就会恢复供水 我还去健康食品店 给咱俩买了一杯鲜榨果汁来分着喝 是生姜苹果草莓味的哦 这屋子上一位租客的 卖淫艺名就是这个 这是什么 我给你的 上面写道 谢谢昨晚让我睡你的床 在我床头柜上留点钱 我会更喜欢 我在那家可爱的咖啡店时 我跟柜台的女孩 娜不浪鸡聊了会儿 听以名叫娜不浪鸡的人开场的事情 请容我坐好再听