填写缺失的部分,注意标点及大小写,句末标点已给出,不用听写。序号不用写出。 剧情: MAX的名言哦 I'm thinking we should take the first step in our new cupcake business by writing "Max's Homemade Cupcakes" up on the specials board. No, I can't have my name up there. 1_______________________. Oh, we used to own Seattle. Max, we've got to get the name out there. 2______________. Ooh, good idea! Let's create a buzz. Exactly, in order to launch-- 3___________________. When in doubt, I'm always mocking you. Seriously, Max. This new cupcake business is our lifeline. A way out for both of us. And I wanna thank you again for letting me move in. If there's anything I can do to help you-- You mean besides starting to wait on tables? I meant, anything I can do to help you through your breakup with Robbie. Oh. Thanks, but I'm fine. And we're working. Well, one of us is. Are you sure you're fine? 'Cause I heard you crying last night. I don't cry. 4_____________________________________. 450)=450">
Everyone I owe money to thinks I live in Seattle Create a buzz I'm mocking you I sold my tear ducts to an organ bank for cash two years ago
我在想 我们可以迈出 我们蛋糕事业的第一步了 就在优惠餐板上 写上"麦克斯自制蛋糕"吧 不行 姐的大名不能张扬 我的债主们都以为我住在西雅图呢 哎 以前西雅图是我家的呢 麦克斯 你的名字一定得亮相 制造名气嘛 好棒 好棒 赶紧开始名气大作战 没错 要想打开市场 我是在模仿你那傻样儿 以后别怀疑 我向来都是在嘲笑你 说真的 麦克斯 这个蛋糕事业是我们的救生索 能助我们走上脱贫致富的道路呀 我还想再次感谢你 让我搬进你家住 如果有任何事我能帮得上忙的 是指除了招待客人以外的忙吗 我是说 任何能帮你平复 和罗比分手的难过心情的事 谢了 我没事 而且现在是我们工作时间 你不干活 我还干呢 你确定你没事吗 昨晚我听见你在哭 我才不哭 早在两年前 我就把泪腺拿去器官银行卖钱了