That, my friends, is life. But just as the struggles are great, so are the rewards. There's another way to look at it: ask yourself if you really have a choice. You already knew the answer to that question the first day you walked into LaGuardia. We owe it to our families and to ourselves to keep striving.

This is certainly not the easiest of economic times, but there's always an economic cycle. In the course of the next 50 years of your life, you'll see alot of cycles, and like this one, you'll get through it. Don't get caught up in unrealistic optimism or detached pessimism.

Still, a lot can change rapidly and with a lot of force. Your security rests in knowing how to do a variety of things -- and being able to do them better than others.

And that knowledge and ability can be obtained only through a willingness to strike out for something better. That could mean changing careers or pushing for a new idea or strategy in your current one. In either case, push yourself to try something new and to grow with each move.

After college, I went to law school for three years, and then into my dream job at a big NY law firm. But even though it had been my dream, I didn't like it once I got there.

For the first time, I was feeling financially secure, but I knew I wasn't passionate enough about what I was doing. And because I didn't love it, I would never be fulfilled from it, or be really good at it. Someone who loved it more would have greater enthusiasm and focus. For some it was fun; for me it was always going to be a chore.

After five years at a law firm, I decided I wanted to try something different. I came home and told my wife I was quitting, and she cried. And not out of happiness. Anyway, it worked out. I got a new job at a small Wall Street firm, we got bought out by a larger firm, and I ended up remaining at a large firm... Goldman Sachs.

In my career, I've been fortunate to know and work with many of this country's top CEOs and business leaders. I'm always struck by a certain passion that defines them. While they may be wealthy and powerful, their passion goes beyond money and power.

I won't stand here and tell you those are bad things. They can be pretty good, but only if you have a larger purpose in mind. If you don't have passion for your work or the drive to make a better life for your kids than your own, then you won't have what it takes to keep you going.