450)=450"> 本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 <注意>单词占一行,另起一行写句子,单词不需要大写,句子开头字母大写
allure The beautiful beaches of Hawaii allure many tourists from the mainland of the United States. anew He made so many mistakes that he had to begin his work anew. banquet A banquet was given to honor the retiring president. crouch The cat saw the bird and crouched down ready to jump. flank The enemy may attack us on the left flank. indignant I was very indignant at the man, for he had treated me so badly. meadow They raise many cows and sheep in the meadow. mobile Many workmen aren’t mobile; if they move to new employment they have difficulties in moving their families. reverse Would you play the reverse side of that phonograph record, please? Reverse your sweater or you will put it on wrong side out. roam The lovers roamed around the fields in complete forgetfulness of the time. withstand Children’s furniture must withstand kicks and blows.
allure v.引诱 夏威夷美丽的海滨吸引了许多从美国本土来的游客。 anew adv.重新;再 他犯的错误太多了,因此必须重做。 banquet n.宴会 为了向即将退休的总统致敬,举行了一个宴会。 crouch v.蹲伏 这只猫看到了那只鸟,就蹲伏下来准备扑跳。 flank n.侧翼 敌人可能攻击我们左翼。 indignant adj.愤慨的 我对这个人感到愤愤不平,因为他对我很坏。 meadow n.草地 他们在这片草地上饲养了许多牛羊。 mobile adj.动的;富流动性的 许多工人是不具有流动性的;假使他们换了新的工作,他们便在迁居方面有了困难。 reverse 1. adj.颠倒的 2. v.颠倒 请播放那张唱片的反面,好吗? 把你的羊毛衣翻过来,要不然你就穿反了。 roam v.闲逛;漫游 情侣们漫步在田野间,完全忘记了时间。 withstand v.抵抗;耐得住 孩子们的用具必须耐得住拳打脚踢。