450)=450"> 本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 <注意>单词占一行,另起一行写句子,单词不需要大写,句子开头字母大写
adore All the girls in our school adore the handsome mathematics teacher who happens to be a bachelor. blend A grocer must know how to blend different kinds of tea. These houses seem to blend well with the trees and the countryside. breadth The wise man has a great breadth of understanding. commend Many children were commended for their good deeds on Children's Day. conspicuous There are several conspicuous errors in your composition. delusion She is under the delusion that I’m going to give her a lot of money. impatient As she was impatient to start to school, she forgot to take her homework. miracle According to the bible, Christ worked many miracles. provisional Let’s arrange the provisional meeting for next Tuesday, even though we may have to change it. restrain She could not restrain the children from running into the street. stroll The old couple are strolling under the trees arm in arm.
adore v.崇拜 我们学校里所有的女孩子都崇拜那个英俊的数学老师,他恰好是个单身汉。 blend v. 1.混合 2.调和 杂货商应该知道如何混合不同种类的茶。 这些房子似乎与这些树以及乡间的景象很调和。 breadth n.宽度 那位智者有很广博的理解力。 commend v.称赞 许多小孩在儿童节那天因为他们做的好事而被表扬。 conspicuous adj.明显的 你的作文中有几个明显的错误。 delusion n.谬见;幻想 她误以为我将给她很多钱。 impatient adj.不耐烦的;焦急的 由于她急着去上学,忘了带家庭作业。 miracle n.奇迹 根据《圣经》记载,基督创造了许多奇迹。 provisional adj.临时的 让我们准备下星期二的临时会议吧,即使我们可能会必须更改。 restrain v.阻止;抑制 她无法阻止小孩子们跑到街上去。 stroll v.漫步 那对老夫妻正手挽着手在树下散步。