450)=450"> 本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 <注意>单词占一行,另起一行写句子,单词不需要大写,句子开头字母大写
adjourn The members of the club voted to adjourn their meeting until 5p.m. astonish She was astonished to hear the news that she had won the first prize in the speech contest. attire The queen was attired in blue for her birthday party. candidate There are three candidates for president of the club. discipline The discipline of his early hardships contributed to his success. Military schools are known for their strict discipline. interpret Please interpret the meaning of this foreign word that I’ve never heard. lounge There were some men and women who were lounging along the beach. secure By strengthening the river banks, the city secured itself against floods. Are you worried about passing the final exam, or do you feel secure? siege The country was in a state of siege, and tanks were lined up in front of the presidential palace. strive We should strive for the truth. vocation Teaching children ought to be a vocation as well as a way of earning money.
adjourn v.延期 俱乐部会员投票通过,会议推迟到下午5点。 astonish v.使惊异 听到她已在演讲比赛中获得第一名的消息,她大吃一惊。 attire v.穿衣 皇后身穿蓝色服装参加她的生日宴会。 candidate n.侯选人 有三个候选人竞选协会主席。 discipline n. 1.训练 2.纪律 他早年的艰苦训练,促成了他的成功。 军事学校以严格的纪律闻名。 interpret v.解释 请解释一下这个外来词的意义,我从没听说过这个词。 lounge v.闲逛;漫步 有一些男女沿海边散步。 secure 1. v.使安全 2. adj.无虑的 通过加强河堤,该市可以免遭水灾。 你是担心无法通过期末考试,还是胸有成竹呢? siege n.围攻 那个国家正遭到围攻,而坦克都排列在总统府前面。 strive v.努力 我们应该为真理而奋斗。 vocation n.职业 教育儿童应是一种职业,也是一种赚钱的方法。