450)=450"> 本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 <注意>单词占一行,另起一行写句子,单词不需要大写,句子开头字母大写
clue The police could find no fingerprints or other clues to help them in solving the robbery. cluster She bought two clusters of grapes for her little son. flush Her face flushed when she could not answer the easy question. The stream was flushing after the heavy rain. germ The wound must be kept clean so that germs do not infect it. grunt "I'm too tired", he grunted, and then fell asleep again. junction The two rivers make their junction near the sea. pinch He pinched fruit to see if it was soft. prairie The prairie was ideal for growing wheat. rim The basketball hit the rim of the basket and bounced off. shove There was a lot of pushing and shoving to get on the bus. stammer "Th-th-thank" you "v-v-very" much, he stammered. technical He is studying automobile repairs at a technical school. tint The picture was painted in several tints of blue.
clue n.线索 警方找不到指纹或其他线索来帮助他们侦破抢劫案。 cluster n.串 她给小儿子买了两串葡萄。 flush v. 1.脸红 2.泛滥 当她答不出这个简单的问题时,脸红了。 河流在大雨过后泛滥。 germ n.细菌 伤口须保持清洁,才不致于感染细菌。 grunt v.抱怨声 “我太累了。”他抱怨着,然后又继续睡了。 junction n.会合处 这两条河流的会合处近海。 pinch v.捏 他捏捏水果看是否是软的。 prairie n.大草原 大草原是理想的小麦田。 rim n.边;缘 球投到篮筐边缘又弹了回来。 shove v.推挤 上公共汽车的时候人们又推又挤。 stammer v.口吃 “非、非、非常感、感、感谢你。”他结结巴巴地说。 technical adj.工艺的 他在技术学校学习汽车修理。 tint n.淡色 这幅画是用几种淡蓝色画的。