450)=450"> 本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 <注意>单词占一行,另起一行写句子,单词不需要大写,句子开头字母大写
cling The two friends cling together wherever they go. countenance The actor had a handsome and distinguished countenance. dimension He ordered wallpaper for a room of the following dimensions; 16ft. long, 12ft. wide, and 8ft. high. erase He erased the wrong answer and wrote in the right one. growl The dog was angry and growled at the stranger. lick The cat licked up the drops of milk from the floor. postage The postage for airmail is greater than that for regular mail. poultry This market has fresh poultry for sale at the beginning of every month. prick When she was sewing she pricked her finger and made it bleed. skim The cook skimmed the fat from the soup. I watched many seabirds skimming the waves looking for food. stitch She made a neat row of stitches along the edge of her skirt. undergo She underwent a thorough examination at the hospital according to the doctor’s order. wharf Passengers are waiting on the wharf to board the ship.
cling v.粘着 这对朋友无论到哪里,总是如胶似漆,粘在一起。 countenance n.面容;表情 这位男演员有英俊而出众的容颜。 dimension n.尺寸 他为房间订了如下尺寸的壁纸:16英尺长,12英尺宽及8英尺高。 erase v.抹去 他擦去错误的答案并写上正确的。 growl v.咆哮 那狗发怒了,向陌生人咆哮。 lick v.舔 猫舔地板上的几滴牛奶。 postage v.邮资 航空信的邮资比平信高。 poultry n.家禽 在每月的月初,市场上有新鲜的家禽出售。 prick v.刺 缝纫时她刺伤了手指并且流血了。 skim v. 1.掠去(液体上不要的漂浮物) 2.掠过 厨师将汤的肥油撇去。 我看到许多海鸟掠过波浪寻找食物。 stitch n.一针 在裙子的边缘她缝了一排整齐的缝线。 undergo v.承受 依照医生的指示,她在医院接受了一次彻底的检查。 wharf n.码头 乘客们在码头上等待搭船。