450)=450"> 本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 <注意>单词占一行,另起一行写句子,单词不需要大写,句子开头字母大写
appliance The modern house has many useful electrical appliances. The appliance of electricity to household tasks makes housework much easier. brood There are twelve chickens in this brood. She brooded on her past mistakes so much that she became ill. fringe The woodcutter had a little house on the fringe of the forest. gravel The path to the house was covered with gravel. hut In the storm, they found a shabby hut in the forest. lure The fisherman had some bright colored lures to attract fish. The hope of high profits lured him into questionable dealings. perch The bird flew down from its perch in the cage. The bird perched on the woman’s shoulder. retail Most people buy meat and groceries at retail. stride Great strides have been made in science since 1900. swarm A swarm of people surrounded the car to see the famous actress in it. Rural populations swarmed into nearby towns. twig The tree bears so many apples that the twigs seem almost broken down. wade The bridge is far away from here; we’d better wade across the stream. wrinkle She is beginning to get many wrinkles around her eyes.
appliance n.1.电器用品 2.应用 这件现代化的房子有许多实用的电器用具。 电力应用于家务上使做家务事容易多了。 brood 1. n.孵;窝 2. v.沉思 这一窝公孵出了12只小鸡。 她过于沉思从前的错误以致于生病了。 fringe n.边缘 伐木者在森林的边缘有一间小屋。 gravel n.碎石 通往房子的小径布满了碎石。 hut n.小屋 暴风雪中,他们在森林里发现了一间简陋的小屋。 lure 1. n.诱饵 2. v.引诱 这渔夫用一些色彩鲜明的诱饵来吸引鱼。 高利润的希望诱使他从事那笔有问题的交易。 perch 1. n.栖身处 2. v.栖息 这只鸟从栖息的鸟笼里飞下来。 这只鸟栖息在那女人的肩膀上。 retail n.零售 大部分的人以零买的方式购买肉和杂货。 stride n.大步 在科学方面自1900年以来有了很大的进步。 swarm 1. n.群 2. v.蜂拥 一群人围绕在车旁,看车里那位著名的女演员。 村民们一涌而入临近的城镇。 twig n.小树枝 树上结了太多的苹果,以致于树枝几乎都要折断了。 wade v.涉水 桥离这儿太远了,我们最好涉水而过。 wrinkle n.皱纹 她眼镜四周开始长出很多皱纹。