450)=450"> 本书所列单词共计1200个,加上各词的衍生词、同义词及反义词,则实际收录约2500词,均属于中上难度的词。读完本书,您的单词量当在5000词以上。 <注意>单词占一行,另起一行写句子,单词不需要大写,句子开头字母大写
aristocrat For many years only aristocrats were members of the government. biography After reading a biography of Lincoln I was able to tell many stories about the President. channel There’s a channel in the middle of the old street to help water flow away when it rains. cherish The old woman cherishes the girl as if she were her daughter. All the women cherished the hope of their husband’s safe return from fishing on the sea. daze A blow on the head dazed him so that he could not find his way home. dismay He was dismayed by the sight of the burning house. haul The logs were loaded on the wagons and hauled to the mill by horses. mess I’ve never seen so much mess and disorder anywhere. mound The explorers climbed a mound to survey the land around them. ranch The children spent the summer vocation on their grandfather’s ranch. repeal The new government repealed many old laws. rumble She was awakened during the storm by the rumbles of thunder. tuck She tucked up her shirt and climbed over the fence.
aristocrat n.贵族 只有贵族才能执政的现象存在了许多年。 biography n.传记 读过了林肯的传记之后,我能够说出关于这位总统的许多故事。 channel n.海峡;水道 在这老街道的中央有一条水道,来帮助雨天排水。 cherish v. 1.珍爱 2.怀抱(希望等) 那老妇人珍爱这女孩,就如同她是自己的女儿一样。 所有女人怀着她们的丈夫在海上捕鱼能安全归来的希望。 daze v.使晕眩 头上挨了一击使他感到晕眩,因而找不到回家的路。 dismay v.惊慌 他因目睹火烧房子的景象而惊慌。 haul v.拖 这些木头被装载在货运马车上,由马匹拖到工厂。 mess n.肮脏的一团 在任何地方我都未见过这么多肮脏和杂乱。 mound n.土堆 探险者爬上一个土堆以测量他们周围的土地。 ranch n.大农场 孩子们在祖父的大农场上度过暑假。 repeal v.撤消 新的政府撤销了许多旧法令。 rumble n.隆隆声 在暴风雨期间她被打雷的隆隆声惊醒。 tuck v.折;卷 她将衬衫卷起并爬过篱笆。