Recent surveys give Senator Obama a lead of between three and six percentage points over Senator McCain with the election a little more than four months away.   Democrats are encouraged about their chances of winning back the White House this year after eight years of Republican contr…
距大选还有四个月的现今,最新调查结果显示参议员奥巴马领先参议员麦凯恩三至六个百分点。 经过八年以布什为首的共和党执政后,民主党因有望今年夺回白宫而深受鼓舞。 尽管公众普遍对经济,伊战和布什的任期表示不满,结果相近的竟选仍让一些共和党人惊喜交加。 格林尼治大学的民意调查者Clay Richards说很明显地,大部分选…