提示:Nigeria;James Uwaifoh;United States National Research Council
We have a question from a health worker -- and longtime listener -- in Nigeria. James Uwaifoh says there are many food crops that were grown in the past but not any longer. He wants to know if it would be possible for communities to grow these foods again. He says it could provide a way to reduce fo…
尼日利亚的James Uwaifoh向我们提了个问题,他是一名卫生工作者,也是我们的长期听众。James说很多过去种植的粮食作物现在不再种植了,他想知道是否社区有可能再次种植这些作物。他说,这样做可以提供一种方法以减轻粮食短缺,饥饿和营养不良。 一个由美国国家研究委员会任命的科学家小组也有相同的想法。今年早些时候,…