Farmers in parts of the American Midwest face a difficult recovery after the worst flooding in fifteen years. Storms that flooded rivers and drowned crops have been blamed for at least twenty-fourth deaths since late May. The floods displaced tens of thousands of people in several states across Ame…
美国中西部部分地区的农民在经历了十五年来最严重的一次洪灾后面临艰难的重建。五月底以来,暴雨使河水泛滥,淹没了庄稼,造成24人不幸死亡。 洪水导致美国农业中心地区的几个州数千人流离失所。人们担心粮食的损失会使已经高涨的粮价进一步上升。一些州肥沃的土地可能成为湖泊。汹涌的密西西比河冲破或者溢过爱荷华、伊利诺…