The three prime ministers came to Washington at the invitation of the president to talk about regional matters. Mr. Bush says trade and tourism topped the list. The president says he also went out of his way during the session to assure the three prime ministers that the United States remains…
三位总理应总统之邀来到华盛顿,讨论区域性问题。 布什总统说贸易和旅游问题居首位。 总统说,在会议中他也尽力向3位总理保证美国仍致力于他他所说的“睦邻友好”中。 “重要的是让这些领导人知道:我们认为一个良好、坚实、健康和有活力的睦邻关系对美国有利。” 出席该会议的加勒比海领导人中的两位---巴巴多斯岛的大卫汤…